"Girl" Imitation
Stand up straight, tuck in your shirt. No, you can't wear pink. Don't talk to your momma like that. No girl sports. Take care of your brother and sister. You will do the dishes for momma after dinner every night. Every weekend you are to mow lawns and save for college. No, you can't wear pink. You can only stay out late with teammates, don't go bringing a girl around here. Work hard in school. Only smart kids can play sports. No, you can't watch those sappy flicks. Someday you will have to take care of your mother and I. You are to be a businessman, not a grunt like me. Don't you dare disrespect your elders. And no, for god sakes, you can't wear pink.
Yes, we certainly have a parent who is worried about the son's masculinity...so much so that wearing pink or playing a particular sport is enough to potentially compromise the masculinity.